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Respite Care

Take a break to refresh and recharge yourself from your caregiving duties.

Elderly couple resting at the parkRespite generally means a period of relief. Being the family caregiver may, at some point, though rewarding, becomes emotionally taxing. The demands of caring for a family member may often result in caregiving stress in various forms such as physical distress, burnout, and disruption in the relationship with their loved ones.

At Eleged Home Care, Inc., we provide both in-home and out-of-home respite care according to your preference. Our in-home respite care includes providing care for your family member within a few hours or for an extended period of 24-hour care and overnight care. In such a way, you will be able to have time for yourself, take a break, attend appointments, or rest and recuperate after an illness or injury.

Our out-of-home respite care provides the family caregiver a short-term relief outside the family home. Our highly qualified staff members offer the opportunity for your children or elderly family member to participate in meaningful and enjoyable activities both on-site and within the community. It helps them to develop new skills and relationships while participating in a group or being integrated into a residential setting.

For a more detailed information about our respite services, please feel free to Contact us. You can also set an appointment with one of our care representatives so we can review your family members’ care requirements and create a unique care plan for them for you to start taking your respite.